Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Koehler Wedding.

Again with a late post but some fun images of some of my dear friends wedding.


The Infamous Christmas Cookie Party Pics....

So, I am so very sorry to all of you who hoped to see these pictures before now. Through a myriad of problems and laziness, and business they are finally here. Gladly most of them aren't Christmas specific, but mostly just good fun. Please share, facebook, and do with whatever you like.

Click and Enjoy!!

May Lake Camping.

So, here are some photo's of some friends and Laura and I. I will not tell you the area that this lake is located in because I want to keep it to myself and not let the world know of its beauty and serenity. But it was fun none the less. One of those relaxing weekends in the mountains.


Watchmen Photo Shoot.

So, this is some images I am finally allowed to post onto the internet. I took some of my new friends that I met just the weekend prior and asked them if I could dress them up in toga's and use them in a billboard image that is in the movie Watchmen. I just wrapped two months ago after working on Watchmen for a year. It was good to finally see the movie up there and also, see my friends in a big pulling back wide shot as we panned over the city.

Thanks guys for the photo shoot and I hope you enjoy!

Ocean Anniversary Wine Adventure....

This again is a late post since our official 5th anniversary was back in August of 2008. Lame I know. It's been a busy season. This is pictures of us, wine, wineries, and the coastal adventures of San Luis Obispo. I keep wondering why I'm not working the fields of a winery right now, maybe someday.

Click and enjoy the pictures!

The Mytar Wedding.

This was a wedding I did back in the summer, obviously a little late here but none the less I figured I would put up some of my favorite images.


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